22 April 2010


Still Cannot Sleep Rightnow!!

helllooo im back here want to share about what's is actually happened today??? have a look this first :-

10am : I woke up and check my handphoe slajur (balas my hubby's message) then tarus mandi..
11.15am : sudah selesai semua td (siap mandi and terus bebaju behapa), aku mau tukar habuk all my hamster and cuci cage. Then i saw my Syrian hamster beranak... Im sooo happy~
12.45pm : Lunch Time~ with the menu = rice with chicken black peppers, mix vegetables, sambal mangga and meet soup..
2pm : went to empire because of i've my interview d'sana (interview for western union at Batu Satu)
6pm+ : my Uda datang kerumah then they give me all my oderr things yg dlm catalog..
8pm : Jalaaannnn with Sayang ku.. I misss him aloottt...
10pm : arrived at home then limpang2 liat tv with sayyyaaannngg..
11.30pm : sayaaanng balek because ia kan keraja esuk. Inda dpt akhir balek. Esuk awal bangun..
12am till 2.30am (NOW) : is nothing to do hereee.. Until now!!! I still cannot sleeeppp.. Hujan lebat d'luar then guruh basar jua... Aku takkkuuuttt~