06 July 2011

Happy 5th Monthsarry to us syg.. may god bless us..

It's been how many months passed already but nothings change. I still luv u so much and fall inluv with u all over again. We had misunderstandings, a lot of it, that due to this distance thing it's so hard to really understand each other. U made me freak out at tyms. U made me cry so hard at times as well. But those doesn't really matter. For I am so unbelievable in luv with u.

Our relationship is far from perfect, but nevertheless, the luv we hv for each other is the strongest thing I’ve ever felt, and u never stop fighting for me. I thank u 4 that, u really do save me on a daily basis. Letting myself luv u was the best thing I ever did. I'll keep on fighting. I'll keep u by my side. I'll never let go of the grip. I'll hold u close here in my heart.

I love you very much Ak Anizam Phg.. The only one I love is always YOU syggg...