Finally MUSCB WON the Friendly Match Futsal.. I likeee tuu~ eheheh lols.. MUSCB 2-1 LSCB..

sorry guys, ani tah saja picture yang sampat ku ambil. Sal busy meliat gamenya td.. Iath, so just curi2 from FB orang sja if ada ehhee..
Walaupun 1st half tu nada attack from LSCB, so mainan MUSCB pun lawa lah jua.. And im forgot siapa yg mengoalkan tadi tu.. Either 1st half or 2nd half pun aku lupa sudah Eehehhee sibuk banar tadi and concentrate meliat bahh heheehe..
Now i've receive comment from someone, then he said ''MUSCB, kalok saja tu goalnya'' then i reply ''ahahha sudahnya tu, andang ku duga udah apa org kn cakap, well kalah / manang is adat'' eehehhe pasal apa org atu becakap macam atu?? Lols..
We're the supporters MUSCB, we're devil too.. And we're the WINNER.. No need to jelous bah.. Ehhehee..
Walaupun 1st half tu nada attack from LSCB, so mainan MUSCB pun lawa lah jua.. And im forgot siapa yg mengoalkan tadi tu.. Either 1st half or 2nd half pun aku lupa sudah Eehehhee sibuk banar tadi and concentrate meliat bahh heheehe..
Now i've receive comment from someone, then he said ''MUSCB, kalok saja tu goalnya'' then i reply ''ahahha sudahnya tu, andang ku duga udah apa org kn cakap, well kalah / manang is adat'' eehehhe pasal apa org atu becakap macam atu?? Lols..
We're the supporters MUSCB, we're devil too.. And we're the WINNER.. No need to jelous bah.. Ehhehee..
Congratezzzz To MUSCB~
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