the picture below is what i got from Lah's Birthday Party~

The Chocolate Redondo Luxury Cream Wafels~ This is my favourite chocolate actually.. I just won this chocolate from playing the Binggo / Lotto game with friends and Lah's cousins.. Mimit boyfriend's has won in TWO timess... Wahhh untung nya dia.. Ehehe while Mimit, Myzah and her friend, Irene, Ejol and Aizan.. durang inda dapat any hadiah eheheh lols.. (iatah next time jgn membuyuk hehehe lols... Aku sama jua membuyuknya~)
Eventhough we're just 5 out of 18 (maybe) but I really enjoyed with my friends justnow.. Still maintain dgn ulah2 yg before, pengumpatan, penapauan, pengucapan and etc.. Inda pandai tinggal ehehehe.. I loveee MY FRIENDS FOREVER!! Ehehhee. Thanks for the Invitation on your Birthday Party tadi Lah.. I miss you...
Eventhough we're just 5 out of 18 (maybe) but I really enjoyed with my friends justnow.. Still maintain dgn ulah2 yg before, pengumpatan, penapauan, pengucapan and etc.. Inda pandai tinggal ehehehe.. I loveee MY FRIENDS FOREVER!! Ehehhee. Thanks for the Invitation on your Birthday Party tadi Lah.. I miss you...
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