17 February 2010

when mom's suprise birthday 10/02/2010

eehehehe not in oder bah picture ah... but nevermind.. will explain step by step

*my mom cake birthday*

*mom with my lil sista*

*my lil sista pulang potong cake ehehehe*

*my mom and my dad ehehehe* sooo suweeeet~

*mau-mau tah jua my brooo arrr*

*ehehehe my dad ni over tia pulang meniup lilin, kalah my mom org yg birthday ehehehe*

ehehehe actualy cali ne cerita time suprise my mom birthday hari atu ah.. ada2 saja tia my cover ram tayar gagau-gagau tia pacah time my mom treats us makan d'restaurant di Tanjong Bunut ehehhee.. then actually i want to give suprise di restaurant sana, tekana memikirkan pasal cover ram pacah, huh... Mooody ku selajur..

After finish dinner, i bring all adek2 saya pegi jalan Hua Ho Tanjong Bunut kan bali spray for party.. After that, we go back home for preparation to give my mom suprise... Hahahhahahaa..

Before we give the suprise, my mom sempat lagi marah2 and riuh2 di downstair.. kes kan marah kediaku lah ni~ after she knock my bedroom, waaatttchhhaa~