13 February 2010

my answer for valentine day~

Ehm.. Hari Kekasih?? Valentine Day??

Siapa yg inda suka ada boyfriend / girlfriend right?? Siuk jua tu couple dgn pasangan masing-masing :)... Am I right??

Biasanya if org siuk becinta ani, garrnty tau apa Hari Kekasih / Valentine Day??

** Ni I try to ask question to my self ok (tanya diri sendiri dulu) :

1- berapa kerapkah you ingat your boyfriend??
2- what is the special present yg bisai dberikan to your boyfriend??
3- when is the good time or date to give the present to you boyfriend??
4- what is the meaning of Valentine dari segi pemahaman kamu??

** This is my answer for the question above :

1- erm for me, if time couple ani kan, mestilah every day ingat kan boyfriend, bukan saja every day, every time if kan jalan kemana kah, kerja kah, time belajarkah even time di jamban or time mandi, mesti aku ingat kan my boyfriend. Tambah lagi if cradet hp habis, garenty gila jadinya nada calling n messaging. ehhheee
2- bagi ku yg bisai di bagi present tempat my boyfriend 1 set perfume favoritenya, baju, handwatch and wallet. Ehhehee atu saja yg ku tau coz yg ku sabut atu, iatah saja yg pernah ku bagi to my bofriend~ *LoLs*
3- good time / date is bila-bila masa saja.. For the important date is the date of our anniversary and the birthday date.. thats it~
4- Valentine is stand for hari kekasih ehehhee *LoLs* nada wah~ dari segi pemahaman ku is Valentine day ani memperingati hari kejatuhan Agama Islam. If u guys want to know more about Valentine Day. Just read my POST BELOW~ you will know sedikit sebanyak hehehe :)