08 January 2010

Today is Friday..

Holaaaa~ Today is Friday and now im wearing a Red Man UNITED T'shirt with dark blue jeans. Also im wearing my Gucci hand watch and my specticle.. Ehhee apakanss.. Just now i've a written test at Rimba Secondary School.. There were soo many ppl over there.. Huh macam2 bau saya cium.. Eeeeyyuuksss!! Entah eyy hehhee but nevermind..

Now im in Office already.. Sajukk baaa d'office ah, kajar2 jua saya ni.. Ehhee but i duno mcm mana kan kurangi temperature nya.. I saw the security dluar tadi pakai vios maron, OMG ragat ketanya yooo :) glory~ glory~ ketanya ah.. Banyak ManUNITED!!.. Ehhee i salut him xpxp.. But ia persan ia pulang.. He thought me liat ia kali, padahal i liat his car saja ehhee.. Ok thats it..

P/s : will update later lagi.. im in my facebook now :)