01 December 2011
30 November 2011
RE : Ak Md Anizam (My Husband)
Hy yggg, naru th ayg mblas text syg :) hehehe after 9 months we build our relation so last night is the first time we used the words "AYG" but wht u just said last night, so please ygg ah dont think into the negative ways k..
As you know why I post today is I would like you to know that I reaallyy fallin' in love with u syg, mcm ada power bah syg ah.. Ayg cinta kan syggg banar2..
Im happy since on saturday ygg, more we spend time together, wlwpun ngaleh hehe p enjoy kn yg~ sdapat jln2 sma syg, cousin2 syg jua, you know smua atu ayg suka :)
Ygg I'm waiting u until we get engage when we exactly 1 year anniversary ygg ahh, vanar2 ayg harap kn bnr2 tu btunang ah, syg bnr ayg kn syg ani :) hehhee
From you love : Syalai (your future wife)
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 7:08 pm 0 comments
wahh brapa ari ane puas jln2 ma sygg ey p mcm alum puas jua rasa nya ehee..enjoy la rasa nya brapa ari ane..emmm ehehh blank bnr ne otak aa bnr th..sygg love u n miss u always sygg mwahh.... Anizam♥Syalai(NuRuL) ehhee
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:28 am 0 comments
06 October 2011
Happy 8th Monthsarry to Us ''ANIZAM ♥ SYALAI 2081'' May Allah Bless In Our Relationship Amin..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 5:59 am 0 comments
02 October 2011
Raya is end already so there's nothing much special on this year..
Hmm no mood to post anythng lgi..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 4:32 pm 0 comments
14 September 2011
'' SIAL PALUI BODOH '' iatah words yang selalu aku kana sumpah. Sabar saja kan, ia jua indung aku kana sumpah cani.. Well ani tah idup ku kana sumpah cani.. Inda papa bah.. Biasa udah kana sumpah cani..
Syalai is SIAL PALUI BODOH lurus tah sudah tu..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:45 pm 0 comments
06 September 2011
Happy 7th Montsarry to Anizam & Me (Syalai) May god bless in our relation.. I really love HIM...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:15 pm 0 comments
31 August 2011
27 August 2011
Im back again with fully sad mood.. Now the time shows me around 2.02am... Hmmmm~
Guys Im really in sad situation. Kenapa Anizam masa ani susah kan pecaya rah aku lagi?? Sedangkan semua yang ia marah kan atu masalah dulu but not now?? Ia inda tau kah yg aku ni sayang kn ia banar banar?? Kenapakan smua ani slalu sja blaku on my birthday bulan August ani?? OMG August's SUX baaaaahhhh..
Kenapa semestinya macam ani kan kejadiannya? Ia jua family ku, ia jua masalah lain. Always saja happen in one time. Huhh.. Kenapa lah aku macam ani?? Kenapa semestinya aku jua jadi macam ani??? How i wish i'll be happy like others. Hv a happy family and a happy life.. Tapi aku apa ada? Hmmm..
Macam kan giveup dh ku semua k'hidupan ku yang macam ani. Aku inda mau khilangan urang yang aku sayang bebanar buat kali keduanya. Eventho aku khilangan Leyzam dlu yg sampai mbuat kan aku separuh gila. Tapi aku bebanar nda mau khilangan Anizam jua. He's my life. Really2 i need him. Aku nda tau mcm mna kn explain lg. Hanya tuhan sja yg phm how i feel msa ani..
Sakit sudah kepala ku ani banarnya, inda tau mcm mana kn buat lgi spya aku sma ia nda kn klaie2 lagi. Aku try sudah inda kn stress2 drumah lagi. Aku mau cuba idup mcm urg lain jua tapi ada family ku paham? Udah buat baik semuanya tiakan salah. Macam mana lgi kan? Tunggu aku mati baru they'all puas hati?? Ok i can do like this but not at this time..
In my mind always say this words ''Im really2 jealous with others'' selalu ani sja dpikiran ku. OMG what happen to me ah??? Kenapa semua orang inda paham kan aku kan???
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 2:03 am 0 comments
22 August 2011
Now the time shows me is around 1.10am.. Hmm I still cannot sleep.. I dont know why.. But I miss my sayang soo much.. Really miss him..
Hmm eventho laletly ani malar kelaie and aku malar marah ia, i still love him. Pasal aku sayang ia banar banar lah aku selalu larang ia if do something yang aku inda tepakai..
He's my world, he's my nyawa and he's my everything.. He'll be mine forever.. Trust me..
I really really love HIM no one else..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 1:18 am 0 comments
20 August 2011
comin' 22nd years old.. Thanks syyyygggg..
20 of August 2011 is Im officially turns 22nd years old.. Anyway thanks to My Syg (Ak Md Anizam) and also his cousin for celebrate my birthday at TT's Blue Gadong..
I love you Ak Md Anizam.. Thanks for the cake birthday syg.. Mwaaahhhhzzz...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:00 pm 0 comments
07 August 2011
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:36 pm 0 comments
03 August 2011
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 7:13 pm 0 comments
31 July 2011
Hai guys its been few days sudah inda updated. Anyhow today is end month of July2011 which is later meliat anak bulan for Ramadhan Season..
Later i'll go with Love Anizam to Limbang. Actually planing mau k'Miri p nevermind, next time will hv time 2 go Miri.. But I really miss KL too. I hopping that i'll go there soon..
Yesterday 30th of July 2011 is my last day joined with Grand Motors Sdn Bhd.. Because of i've offered with the new company at Lambak area..
------> will update soon :)
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 8:05 am 0 comments
25 July 2011
Honestly im missing you rightnow Ak Md Anizam Phg..
Im sorry if lately ani im always marah2, all these because of im really Love you bah.. Hmm tambah lagi im stressed at work.. Hmm mcm mna th kn inda marah2??
Im sorry syg ah.. Really really sorry k..
From the bottom of my heart, you're always I love forever.. Trust me...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:46 pm 0 comments
♥♥ Ak Md Anizam Phg~ ♥♥
- I love him more each and everyday.
- Hes the only guy that has my heart.
- When I walk with him, its like hes the only one I can see.
- No one could ever take his place.
- Hes the love of my life.
- Hes the one I'm always thinking of.
- Hes my only one.
- Hes my world, my life, my everything.
I Love HIM so much~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 1:51 am 0 comments
22 July 2011
'' I wont regret to have you in my life, as you know that we were born to be together... ''
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:03 am 0 comments
06 July 2011
Happy 5th Monthsarry to us syg.. may god bless us..
It's been how many months passed already but nothings change. I still luv u so much and fall inluv with u all over again. We had misunderstandings, a lot of it, that due to this distance thing it's so hard to really understand each other. U made me freak out at tyms. U made me cry so hard at times as well. But those doesn't really matter. For I am so unbelievable in luv with u.
Our relationship is far from perfect, but nevertheless, the luv we hv for each other is the strongest thing I’ve ever felt, and u never stop fighting for me. I thank u 4 that, u really do save me on a daily basis. Letting myself luv u was the best thing I ever did. I'll keep on fighting. I'll keep u by my side. I'll never let go of the grip. I'll hold u close here in my heart.
I love you very much Ak Anizam Phg.. The only one I love is always YOU syggg...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:27 am 0 comments
05 July 2011
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 5:40 pm 0 comments
29 June 2011
Problem~ Problem~ and problem~ always sja have problem.. Apa lagi kn bnarnya ah..
Lurus th tu katanya yg aku ni slalu sja mencari kesalahannya.. Hmmm ntahhh eyyy... Gara2 ia sabut nama c'badang pn aku bleh jd cani, bukan apa ah aku ctu dmlm.. Dpt jua dpkirkan bah.. Buat apa th ia sabut2 nama2 drng atu lg?? Sdangkn aku sma ia sudah.. Aku wh, ada prnah kah sabut nama2 exnya?? Hmm ntah lh.. Rasa ku sudah wah kn ia bnr2, 1 nama ex nya pn inda ku prnah kn mnyabut.. Skit sja ati ani mun kn dsbut kn.. Aku andang banci udah bah bila nama2 ex ku kna sabut2, bhp th lg kn sabut2?? Eh ntahh lh..
Ani cani plg nah kjdiannya.. Ada2 sja kn.. Baik tntu mati, inda jua kn dpkirkn lg.. Ani slalu jua d'ungkit2 aku jmpa scndle lh apa lh.. ada prnah kh slama ani ku jmpa lwlaki lain?? Tau lah aku ni bnyak kwn lelaki p nada wh rsa ku kn jmpa urg lain atu, slama ani, aku mlr jua jmpa ia... Psal aku banar2 kn ia n maukn ia slalu bside aku.. Knpa lgi kn mcm ani ni, udah ku bnr2, p msih jua urg b'anggapan yg aku ni mcm main2, apa lgi kn yg bleh mbuatkn ia pcya yg aku ni bnr2 ia??? Hmm kusut ku eyy..
Mun aku ni main2 kn bh, andng awal bh udh ku main2 kn, buat apa ku kn jmpa parents nya sdngkn aku kn main2 kn sja.. Ni 1 niat ku kn main2 kn atu th nada.. Onda prnah bh trlintas dpkiran kn main2 kn ia.. Hmm inda ku tau lg mcm mna... Sakit sja ku mkirkn bah.
And ani pn jua sl aku kn mbwa kpenanjong, knpa selalu ah, asal ada function msti jua aku yg nda bdangan ksna.. Ntah ah maybe alum ada msanya kli ah aku ni kn mbwa urg kpnanjong, msti ada2 sja tia halangan atu.. Ntahh eyy
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 7:49 am 0 comments
19 June 2011
18 June 2011
18 of June 2011 hmm nothing to Update more..
Firstly aku kn bagitau sja knapa aku kabak2 tadi otw kan k'RIPAS msa2 kn mncari paking.. sunddenly aku mlintas arah paking makmal, then you guys know sumone i saw dsna.. OMG kenapa lah aku boleh terliat ia atu ah.. Kenapa seharusnya aku ternampak ia atu.. Baik jua im wearing my sunglasses.. I saw Leyzam. Hmm too bad kn.
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:42 pm 0 comments
17 June 2011
Today is 17th of June, the time is almost 2am, syg ku baru balik from my house.. Actually i ask him to sleep over at my crib.. Tapi ia ckp iakan panyap barang lagi utk esuk ia tdur d'KB..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 2:18 am 0 comments
16 June 2011
15 June 2011

malam ABP at Genting Highland (Tiz Zaqyah Fans Club)

** For more photo, please click this link http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.101501724694149921.306050.722639920
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 1:07 pm 0 comments
13 June 2011
Hey guys.. Yesterday is my 2nd days i sleep at HIS house (Anizam my love) since on Saturday which is sunday's his sister wedding ceremony, hmm okey jua lah.. it is for my 1st time tidur arah rumah urg not including my cousin house..
Hmm not bad, yg penting i can communicate with his cousin.. So i likee.. inda jua like before sorang2 kn..
But last night, masa ku tdur sudah c'zaimah mbguni aku around 12am+ sl durang dbwah manggil, i was thought apakn, so when i go down stairs, ku liat ramai urg yg alum tdur rupanya they all berubat oleh one of his cousin.. Hmm the first person is ''my syg anizam'' then the second n so on is his cousin including me..
Erm im suprised bila giliran ku, his dad jd berubah.. Not really understood about last night sampaikan aku mengis dpan mata mama n bapa, smpaikn aku pigang tgn mama kuat2 msa bapa beckp sma aku (semasa bapa berubah) hmm malunya aku.. Bukan apa aku mngis atu, smua tu since they all berucap ia bulih mbaikan penyakit mama yg msani d'hospital, then i saw sumwer in living room like ada yg bediri baju putih.. OMG im afraid banarnya..
Yg penting aku malu lah :( soo sad.
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 8:10 am 0 comments
09 June 2011
Today is Thursday 09 of June 2011.. I thought today was Friday..
Hmm nothing to much say but now im bored sja.. Im missing Anizam soo much.. tapi apa bulih buatkn sabar sja since lately hes busy with his family function for tomorrow and this sunday.. Anyhow Congrates for his sister on her wedding with her future husband..
For now i would like to say may god bless my mom.. I love my mom actually, now she admitted at Hospital RIPAS ward 4 and bed 14.. I hope she'll be fine like before..
''Promise is promise but YOU always do what u're promise to me'' <- remember this.. Selalu sja ckp janji tapii.... Malas kn ckp jua.. Aku inda kesah pun semua atu kn.. dun be curious if i do the same thing like u've done wht u're promise to me :p
Lalallalalallallalalaa ''now im stuck here..im forget what i want to write down here lagi..''
So see you for the next updates blog.. BYE~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 2:30 pm 0 comments
07 June 2011
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:08 am 0 comments
29 May 2011
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 9:46 pm 0 comments
28 May 2011
here i back again to update this blog..
Hmmm.. Today is 28 of may 2011 now the clock shows me at 8am..
Awal2 pagi dah aku mgeluarkan air mata dapan mata.. I was expect that air mata ku ani inda kan keluar, that was mean aku dapat tahan kesedihan ku atu. Mula2 before aku kan jln keraja, aku tu besalam sma mama ku, then inda ku sangka lapas ku besalam atu, mama inda mau lapas kn tangan ku ah.. Mcm sedih jua ku tu, cnijam dbguni inda pndai kn bgun2.. Ntah msasa ku ada msalah mcm ani jrang ia ada kn timbul2 hbis2 th ia nyaman tdur.. Hmm forget it sja...
Then ku ckp rah mama ''ma aku jln dulu, antar durang gmah n amin kskulah, bru ku jln krja'' sekali mama inda mau lpas kn tgn ku.. Then sedih lah ku smpai mengis banar2 meliat mama mcm atu..
Mana bbah lagi awal2 payah kan mbguni mama. Ya tuhan tolong selamatkan mama ku.. Ku harap mama ku akan sentiasa sehat.. Aku sayangkn mamaku banar2..
Aku inda tau saja kenapa mama ku sakit smpai mcm atu, ada yg bckp urg mbuati n ada yg bckp tkana angin. Kenapa kn buleh mcm atu tu.. Smpai ati jua urg mbuati atu ah smpai inda mkirkn perasaan urg lain...
Ok lah thats it sja dlu k bye..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 8:19 am 0 comments
23 May 2011
arrrggghhh what a fuck tonight.. Ehh baik plg dbuangnya bah HP nya ah.. Tntu kn.. Ni d'tpun2 nda bjwap, dmsg apa tah lagi inda bblas.. Hmmm.. Rasa dh ku wah kn bjumpa kdia ani p langsung bah nada bah.. Uhhh.. Ntah eyyyy...
Kenapa lah aku malam ani uh????
Mana indung inda pandai paham kan diri.. Shiiiitttt banar.. Buat itu ini pun salah dpandangan durang, baik plg aku nada drumah wah banar th..
Ni lagi masa dalam perjalanan kn k'katok lagi.. Nda semana2 krita blakang ku ani tmpau kn nyucuk2, skali dh dputung nya rupanya c'herol ex-bf ku.. Omg.. Mengana kn..
Ehh sial bah malam ani..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 8:58 pm 0 comments
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 1:07 pm 0 comments
''I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you ar making of me. I love you for the partof me that you bring out''
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:57 pm 0 comments
Hey today is 23rd of May 2011..
Haii blogger?? I miss youu...
Hmm im bored here.. Lots of paper work must to do.. But nevermind and also i've a bit stressed.. OMG all these is fuckin' off..
Last night i told Anizam that i wont be agry anymore. Yes i should do all these.. I wont be jealous and so on. Honestly i dont want he felt boring saja.. Hmm i dont know how to say lagi.. I trust him but im always think negative ways about him..
So i try that i wont be angry lg arahnya.. Hmm yes all these i can prove to him.. Trust me..
I want to be a ''Happy Go Lucky'' like before.. Malas mau pikirkan yg inda penting n etc.. Just make it happy saja :p like Freedom sja.. Maukan kebebasan mcm dulu2 atu.. Ok thats all :p
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:20 am 0 comments
17 May 2011
*17th of May is my 1 year working at Grand Motors Sdn Bhd.. How I wish i want to learn more about selling the cars in our company.. Now Im take over TWO dept which is Account Dept and Sales Dept.. Hmm..
**Actually my story is not about my job.. It is about Me and HIM.. Tonight I was in terrible.. So in damn fuckin' pain.. I don't know how to sayin' again~ I Love HIM (Anizam) I don't want to lost HIM *trust me*.. But mcm mana bulih aku tbuka ''Save Page'' rah Opera Mobile atu kn ah.. I saw he save his friendster and put the name ''My Darling'' OMG mcm nda tantu rasanya smpai ani.. D'misscall2 inda jua pandai bbalas apatah lagi d'msg.. Sama jua..
I know ''past is past'' tau lah kan aku ni mcm mana?? Perkara damit kan d'basar2i.. Hmm Last night he told me that in my HP still hv my picture with my EX, and why today I saw his old FS and also his EX-GF pic?? Mcm membalas jua dunia ni.. Arrrrrgghh~ banci jua ku eyyy~
I only want HIM.. I want HIM forever~ I don't need siapa-siapa, even my family, I only want HIM. He's everything..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:57 pm 0 comments
02 May 2011
Hey hey hey welcome to the month of MAY2011..
hmm long time not update thid blog because of im too busy with my work..
Anyway im just want to say I LOVE YOU AK MD ANIZAM Phg... No one can take you away from me.. You're my everything~ trust me.. I miss Youuu~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 1:07 pm 0 comments
22 March 2011
Hey hey its time for me to update this blog with the simple way..
March 2011
2nd : i bring my love (Anizam) at my cousin's crib..
5th : I went to Jerutong checkin with My love *enjoy the day*
6th : Cousin's Wedding Day (Didah &Lan)
7th to .... : Im forgot sudah
18 & 19th : Meeting him also
20th : Meeting My love before he Shotdown hmmm.. 1mth nda jumpa
Can't wait for this 1st April : VACATION with Ka Sheila n Kaka Mas ak KL..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 6:22 pm 0 comments
25 February 2011
Hey guys welcome back.. Today's 25th February Friday.. Yesterday I went to The Mall Gadong with kaka Shiela and kaka Mas.. I miss you guys. We watch movie ''Kembar Siang'' what a funny and awesome movie as you can see the picture above...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 2:25 am 0 comments
21 February 2011
Yesterday I was meet HIM.. I really miss HIM.. Soo Damn and Damn and Fuckin' Damn Miss HIM..
We go wayang'ing and watch ''Sanctum'' with our couple sit.. Before that I was suprised that I saw somethin in HIS bag.. I don't know lah how suprise me lastnight.. *mcm betamu bah yg ku tnya ia before*
He told me that he had no mood so how abt me?? Lols.. Im too as well.. Lalallalalalallalalala~ I don't know what to say lah.. I think thats it.. Hmmmm~
''The one more thing is i'll be truth to loving u forever, trust me''
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:56 am 0 comments
20 February 2011
20 of February 2011 is on Sunday, which is today..
Today is Mohd Norleyzam Bin Hj Damit 's Birthday.. He's coming 27th years old by today.. May Allah bless HIM and be happy always beside his wife..
I miss HIM till now since 2008, but I can't do anything psal nya we inda lagi sama sama.. 4get it..
Yang penting I love my Hubby sudah ''Ak Anizam'' nanti write abt HIM :)
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 9:46 am 0 comments
16 February 2011
When Headache Strike Me...
Headache strike me rightnow... Ooohhh shhiit~ I feel soo sleepy jua bahhh masa ani.. Gila jua eyy mata ani ah.. Hmm..
Errmm hard to say how stress me actually.. Lots of paper work must do on my desk. It suck.. Soooooo SUCK..
Okey lets start to do work againn and agaiinn.. WTF !!
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:26 am 0 comments
04 February 2011
Happy Chinese New Year @ Rabbit Year..
Hey im safely arrived at home from KB with Jimmy 0810.. Its is around 3am sudah.. Oohh itss too late..
Hmm im enjoy with him tonight, but i hat my parents..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 3:31 am 0 comments
18 January 2011
FOODZONE Q'Lap is the place we choose for having our dinner..
Again and again Im going out for dinner with HIM~ You know, I Miss HIM so much and much more.. I hope it could be everyday and always..
Me and friend Dayah actually have our planned going out for wayang'ing.. So at that time i've no partner.. I msg HIM, then he said ''he wanna go with his fren, lawat kawan nya d'Ripas'' so i ask Dayah that tonight im cancelled my planned because of NO PARTNER..
Then after Cancelled, He also cancelled jln with His friend.. Adooiii mengana kan ehehe lols.. Finally I wanna HIM to dangani me having my dinner.. So i fetch HIM at Tutong Kem, D'Bareknya..
Ooouuhh what a beatiful night today for me.. IM start to missing HIM now.. Not even tonight, everyday I MISS HIM... I love the way he hugs me, he kiss me, the way his smile..and the way he holding my hand.. Soooo suwweeet for me...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:13 am 0 comments
15 January 2011
The Happiest Day Today
*Heeeey my dear blog..
*Today is Saturday Night I write my post..
*Now is at 6.35pm, currently at Jollibee Seri Q'Lap Mall..
For the short story about today is MY TIME TO GO WAYANG WITH HIM~ ''Khurafat'' here I come... oohh I love this day.. I hope tonight i'll enjoy with HIM..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 6:36 pm 0 comments
14 January 2011
Hellooo my BLOG.. Long time no see.. Woooaaahh its been a long time don't have any post here since last updated in NOV'10 due to my BUSY and Fuckin' Day..
Anyway ''HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011''.. My got wishes for this New Year is I NEED FREEDOM & NEW LIFE.. Past is Past, no need to think of it, just ignore all the past thing..
Here Im just want to write about HIM.. Oohh god, I really Falling In Love with HIM.. For me, HIM is my EVERYTHING~
Actually we closed each other last Nov'10.. Start on that month, I don't have anytime to update this blog.. so this is the time for me to update :)
About HIM : Actually he's my 2nd cousin.. His dad and my dad is 1st cousin. This relationship is toooooo clossseeee.. So I DON'T MIND~ apa nya urg, sepupu sekali lagi boleh kawen bah.. Iaja??
For HIM, I WILL.. <- this is the word i always say to HIM.. I WILL do anything for HIM.. Trust me.. I can fetch HIM at Tutong, even d'Barek also.. I can also treat HIM for Wayang'ing.. Sometime I buy HIM for the whole meals.. So thats why IM Fall In Love sudah~
Ooohh I NEED HIM MORE.. MORE.. AND MOREE.... Pleaaassseee help me.. I wont let HIM go.. N I wanna always beside HIM.. I LOVE HIM too MUCH.. Anyone???
** ok see for the next time agaiN BYE~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:28 am 0 comments