MUSCB'ians Gathering at Riviera Cafe, KB
14 November 2010
11 November 2010
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:06 pm 0 comments
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:06 pm 0 comments
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 9:39 pm 0 comments
23 October 2010
I wrote when Boredom strike me
Today's is Saturday 23rd of October 2010..
Here I wrote some of the things inside of my mind...
Fristly i more stressfull with my work at my office.. Not only me but also my friends stress with the job.. I don't know how to say.. If not for the salary.. Awal sudah ku kan resign... Owhhh god, only you understand what i feel actually... Forget it~
And today, I received sms from my frend Lah... She ask me what Leyzam full name.. Then she said, he will married with his GF this NOV 10. Owh god.. Why it must be happend uh??? aku selalu berharap that he'll be back and come to me.. I more love him.. Hermmm.. so now, should I more confident to wait him again?? Please god. Give me a good answer for my heart will accept all the things happen between me and him... Until now and forever I always think about him.. Trust me.. I more and more love him so much..
** the end **
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 9:01 pm 0 comments
16 October 2010
27 Birthday to my Boloved one

Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 3:30 pm 0 comments
02 October 2010
Maher Zain In Brunei...
For the last words from me : I LOVE YOU MAHER ZAIN~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:34 pm 0 comments
19 September 2010
Yesterday and Today
Helo blogger~ update time...
Yesterday : i was out from RIPAS Hospital.. I was admited since on thursday morning at 11am when i was had my appointment due to my pletlets blood goes to 6 out of 100.. Huh WTF~ lots of medicines i took and ate like cyclosporine, renitedine, antibiotic, panadol and 3 of it im forgot the name.. on the Satuday morning around at 1am untill 5am, i cannot sleep very well because of headache was attack on my head.. It soooo painfull.. i cannot to do anything like walking, sitting.. All these i cannot to do by my self.. My father, sister n boyfriend help me to do that thing.. So alhamdulilah, yesterday at 7pm i was out from ward 19 bed 15..
Today : this morning my condition was very bad.. sampaikan kejar2, muntah and paning.. So i ask my dad for minta urut arah my cousin.. After urut i feel soo good.. nda lagi sakit...
** for today i was unhappy because i cant attend MUSCB gathering between ManUTD vs LiverFOOL.. Anyway im so proud to support my team 3-2 kali.. but ManUTD won this match its not by penalty and freekick.. Bukan mcm LiverFOOL...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:27 pm 0 comments
10 September 2010
Today 10 th of August 2010 is the officially Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration for Brunei, M'sia and Indo..
For tye first day, mcm biasa minta maaf sama parents..
After that off to Penanjong, then mentiri and also Lambak Kanan..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:54 pm 0 comments
09 September 2010
Tomorrow will be mine~ the special day is now come...
To my family, cousins, MUSCB'ians, friends.. I would like to say :
P/s : mohon ampun maaf jika saya ada salah dan silap harap di maafkan..
Tomorrow morning will be back to my real home village which is at Kg Penanjong, Tutong.. I really miss my home village.. Since now is heavy rain falls down, i heard one of the facebooker.. Tutong town is now in flooded.. Also somewhere keriam, penanjong ant etc..
Ohh god i pray for you, please help all the people who live in Tutong area.. They all want to celebrate Raya also tomorrow.. Please help them.. I also want ti go back to my real home village..
After beraya at Tutong, insyallah i'll be at Kg Ayer to fetch my grandpa to stay with us.. Kesian jua tu tingal sorang, then i don't know where should go afte fetch my grandpa, last year raya will go to Lambak but my Babu bibi is already passed away *al-fatihah to her* i miss her alots..
K i think that all for tonight.. So once again ''Happy Raya To All Muslim In Brunei and other country..''
Done by : Syalai208
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:03 pm 0 comments
06 September 2010
From : Redlover Syalai...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 4:56 pm 0 comments
01 September 2010
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:33 am 0 comments
27.08.10 = The celebration of Nuzul Al-Quran..
28.08.10 = Went to Amirika with my friends... Watie, Zaima & Sarah.. Enjoy and happy shopping with them..
29.08.10 = DATE OF MY ANNIVERSARY WITH MY SAYANGGGG~ ''Happy 5yrs 8mths Anniversary to Adi & Alai'' may Allah bless us aminn~..
31.08.10 = Sungkai with all the Grand Motors staff at Orchid Gardern Hotel.. Thanks to the director for the treats..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:31 am 0 comments
26 August 2010
forgot to update my blog
12.08.10 : The first day of Ramadhan to all Brunei Muslim..
16.08.10 : Pass my probation at GMSB..
17.08.10 : I done to mention above.
18.08.10 : Happy Birthday to Bucai..
20.08.10 : HAPPY 21ST BIRTHDAY TO MY SELF.. So sad on this time because of couple matter.. Huh!! Thanks to Zaima, Wati n Sarah for the birthday wishes in Pelangi 914 FM. To all fB'ians thanks also for the greeting through my wall.
21.08.10 : *treat my family sungai at HZRC..
*ManUTD draw 2 with Fuckham..
23.08.10 @ 3am : apa rasanya Liverfools kalah vs ManCity?? Ucap lagi ehhehe lols..
24.08.10 : in this date was the 1 week to remains us for JIMMY Passed Away.. Al-Fatihah T.T
**Okey see the next time.. bye..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 4:18 pm 0 comments
17 August 2010
Tonight 17th of August 2010 at 9pm, one of my ex-boyfriend Mohd Zaim Hamzi a.k.a Jimmy already passed away..
''Innalilah, semoga Roh'nya di cucuri rahmat, dilindungi dan di tempatkan bersama-sama orang yang beriman Amin''
I've receive the message about him from Awang, he told me that Jimmy already passed away and one of the reason is ''ketumbuhan and cancer usus'', actually he had been long long time ago sudah dapat this penyakit.. ehmmm i dont know how to say lagi..
Sedyeh ku eeyyy banar tah.. Inda ku sangka..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:18 pm 0 comments
15 August 2010
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 4:37 pm 0 comments
07 August 2010

Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:01 pm 0 comments
Hey guys sorry for the late updating my Bloooger due to busy with my work.. Here i'll list down all the past routine..
17.07.10 : My family went to perayaan Bandar..
18.07.10 : Attending at cousin's weeding at Dewan Lambak..
24.07.10 : With my sayyyang went to perayaan Bandar and bought some longan also sotong tutuk ehhehee..
2/ My family attending at Eboy's wedding at Penanjong..
31st of July : Just want to say GoodBye July and Welcome to AUGUST~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:57 pm 0 comments
15 July 2010
Happy 64th Birthday To His Majesty~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:20 pm 0 comments
12 July 2010
Congrates to Spain
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:56 pm 0 comments
10 July 2010
02 July 2010
Al-Fatihah to My Babu Bibi..
Here i just want to tell you that my babu bibi dah meninggal, the one i told you my last post.. Yang sedihnya, aku baru tau yang she's gone already.. Why my mom lambat bagitau aku ah?? I know all this time balek keraja, sedangkan my babu sudah kana mandikan drumahnya.. So inda jua ku sampat meliat and mencium my babu tu.. But nevermind... Forget it..
Now the time is show at 1830 hrs, which is me, my dad my cousin is currently on the way to kubur sg kebun.. sedih banar ku eyy banarnya.. Because she's the one my babu yg too closed with me.. She's the best babu ever in my life.. She's also like my mom.. But apakan daya, tuhan lebih sayang kan ia so kami mampu beserah kpada Allah sja..
''Ya Allah, ku berdoa kepadamu, ampunilah dosa2 my babu apa yang pernah ia lakukan semasa d'dunia.. Dan tempatkan lah ia bersma orang2 yang beriman... Amin yarobbalalamin~''
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 6:43 pm 0 comments
01 July 2010
My upset day..
Hellooo everyone.. Today is 1st of July.. My mood here really upset.. don't know how worse my upset..
Since my Aunt Bibi betahan d'hospital, my feeling susah hati... This noon i heard from my sis, my Aunt already gone (passed away) its really suprise me u know.. Sampaikan aku terasa kan menagis saaja..
Ganya Allah saja yg tau mcm mana rasa ku.. Ani syukur alhamdulilah.. Berkat tuhan panjangkan umur my Aunt, nadinya begerak semula.. But still in critical mode... Okey thats it dulu lah k..
Will update later after i meet her in the JPMC.. Tq
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 6:36 pm 0 comments
26 June 2010
21 June 2010
Congratulation to my Cousin Bibeh for the first baby girl new born today..
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 6:39 pm 0 comments
Morning peeps.. Do you think today will make you happy?? My answer will be absolutely NOT.. Because of today will make me more lazy and since the school were start open today, my way to work is not in very clear.. Traffic Jam I HATE YOU~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 7:34 am 0 comments
20 June 2010
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 8:19 pm 0 comments
16 June 2010
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 12:57 pm 0 comments
07 June 2010
Lazy Monday
Soooryyy for the late update.. I've been busy for this lately.. Due to my job which is lots work to do.. Sampai pening kepala I and also busy with my cousin's wedding last time.. Adoiii....
Since I work at Grand Motors as a accountant, OMG~ I don't have lots of time to spend time with friends and other.. except my boyfriend lah.. Because he's must be always beside me meh~ ehehhee lols.. We always spend time at my place ja.. Easy kan relex2 no need to go out or chill.. Chill drumah saja.. Ehehhee
Talking about accountant here: ouh~ honestly i hate any accountant subject. Same like now my job is as accountant girl.. Selalu memening kan kepala aku saja.. I hate it~ but nevermind~ since this job i can get the money every end of the month (salay) i'll try to handle all of this job.. Insya allah i can do it better :)
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 7:48 am 0 comments
01 June 2010
kesuntukan masa ku m'upload ah... adooiiii~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 8:00 pm 0 comments
30 May 2010
Abg Yabal and c'Tak 's wedding
Abg Yabal : You look soo hansome and macho today..
c'Tak : You look soo gorgeous with the dress u use :)
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 9:59 pm 0 comments
17 May 2010
First Day at Grand Motors Sdn Bhd
So i resign to SHN, then i take Grand Motors. Pasal the salary d'Grand Motors is better than d'SHN.. Ehehehhee pandai2 lah cari gaji yg tinggi.. Siapa inda mau gaji tinggi. am i right kn??
So for my first day tadi, so far okey.. Nothing problem lah. Inda jua sakit kepala. Malah ku kaja2 ada lah kesajukkan.. Pasal aircon luan paus2 dpan meja ku.. Ehehhee lolss.. K thats it...
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 6:57 pm 0 comments
11 May 2010
The New Job
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:42 pm 0 comments
05 May 2010
Teuku Wisnu ft Shireen Sungkar - Cinta Kita
Inilah aku apa adanya
Yang ingin membuatmu bahagia
Maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
Sesempurna cintaku padamu
Ini cintaku apa adanya
Yang ingin selalu di sampingmu
Ku tahu semua tiada yg sempurna
Di bawah kolong langit ini
Jalan kita masih panjang
Ku ingin kau selalu disini
*courtesy of
Biar cinta kita tumbuh harum mewangi
Dan dunia menjadi saksinya
Untuk apa kita membuang-buang waktu
Dengan kata kata perpisahan
Demi cinta kita aku akan menjaga
Cinta kita yg telah kita bina
Walau hari terus berganti hari lagi
Cinta kita abadi selamanya
Jalan kita masih panjang
Ku ingin kau selalu disini
Biar cinta kita tumbuh harum mewangi
Dan dunia menjadi saksinya
Untuk apa kita membuang-buang waktu
Dengan kata kata perpisahan
Demi cinta kita aku akan menjaga
Cinta kita yg telah kita bina
Walau hari terus berganti hari lagi
Cinta kita abadi selamanya
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 7:41 pm 0 comments
My Special Gift - DSLR Camera

Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 3:00 am 0 comments
04 May 2010
DSLR Camera
Eventho its a Nikon D60, i loveee what he gives to me. Actually we're plan to buy a Nikon D90. But its more expensive, n i ask my boyfriend is better we buy the D60 is more cheaper than D90. D60 he bought at Gadong with the price $900+ and after discount $800+.. complete set ofcourse but comes with lens only. No battry grip n flash. the two things is not inportnt for me because i am not a addict photographer girl hehehe.. Just imagine, he want me to buy D90 with the price $2000+.. Adoiii paksa pikir2 dlu.. Im okey with it, but kesian jua tu.. Mna tau ia bguna duit kn. Better yg low modal sja dlu d'ambil then next time tau tambah duit and baru upgrade baru.. am i right kn?? (later update picturenya)
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 11:34 am 0 comments
02 May 2010
''what is happened today??''
Today???? Ouhhhh~ soooo tireeeddd you know.. I've lots of thing to do today.. Such as me, my mom and my dad went to Tutong at my 1st House. kami pegi kempen d'rumah sana. Because of ada orang mau menyewa rumah kami di sana.. So im tired here.. Aku banyak buat kerja membersihkan jua.. Like, clean all the fans.. 6 fans altogehter mesti bersihkan.. Cuci lantai with my mom.. Bersihkan beranda and etc.. Jamban and bnyak lagi lah..
Thats why im sooo tireeeddd... Sakit punggung and badan ku.. So tomorrow will be continue to clean up di rumah atu lagi. Ada yang belum siap jua lagi kan dibuat.. Must be finish all the thing by tomorrow night. Sal org kan menyewa tu masuk on monday..
Okey thats all for today... Goodnight.. Byeeee~
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 2:42 am 0 comments
01 May 2010
''Keeping someone in our heart is very easy, but to be in the someone's heart is very difficult. So respect the heart which cares about you''
** Just awaked from sleep by a nightmare. In the nightmare, I fall from the upper level on the tallest building. WTF of the craziest nightmare uh~ now I try to sleep again but I can't to go for it. Huh!! Actually i feel soo sleepy.. I still not enough sleep.. Please eyes... Sleep now!!!
Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 3:11 am 0 comments
28 April 2010
Last Night Shopping

Posted by Red.Lover-Syalai at 10:31 am 0 comments